A classical martial arts organization with modern applications
Self-development through traditional budo methods
Self-development through traditional budo methods
Our instructors are highly experienced in their respective arts. In many cases, possessing over 25 years of experience. All instructors engage in continuous proficiency training in their respective arts and must adhere to the organizations teaching accreditation standards.
You can be assured that you are receiving the highest quality training, from the best instructors available.
Each association dojo strives to maintain a place of training that exemplifies the philosophy of the association.
A place of education in the martial ways, in addition to a vehicle to transform the practitioner into a better human being.
We are traditional Organization of Japanese martial arts with a focus on strong basic training. Many of our members are senior ranks in other martial arts including karate, aikido, judo and iaido. The membership retains its high standard of excellence and it is now affiliated with a new and exciting group of dedicated international Japanese influenced organizations.
The present Ryukyukai was reestablished with a new charter and a new philosophical vision. The purpose of the Ryukyukai stresses preservation of classical Japanese martial arts tradition. This includes an emphasis on the heritage and virtues of martial culture. Additionally, We promote education and community service.
Seishinkan Hombu Dojo
A systematic and detailed examination of the fundamental principals and methods of Sentou Ryu Aiki Heiho will be examined.
Cost is $50 pe...
Seishinkan Hombu Dojo
Seishinkan Hombu Dojo
Tony Annesi Hanshi of Takeshin Martial Arts will be showing participants how to make their waza smaller, tigher, and more aikijujutsu in fo...
Seishinkan Hombu Dojo
Seishinkan Hombu Dojo
This event is a hard-nosed approach to martial arts applications, for use under duress. It features the art of utilizing limb destructions...
Seishinkan Hombu Dojo
If you have questions about the opportunities available to you in our program, send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
1880 Pennsylvania Highway 315, Pittston, Pennsylvania 18640, United States
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