Michele Michaels Renshi began her training in 1992 with the Goshin Jujutsu Ryu Budo Kai under Master Matthew Durant and was promoted to 1st Degree black belt in 1998.
Michaels Renshi continued her martial arts training under Shihan Jeffrey J DeSantis in Shichidan Ryu Shin Karate Kai and in Mizu Hi Kobukai under Carl McClafferty Kaicho, earning 1st Degree black belts in both.
In 2021, Michele was awarded her 6th Degree black belt and title of Shihan by Shihan DeSantis. She joined the International Ryukyukai Martial Arts Association in 2017 and has begun training in Shin Ju Ryu Kosho Kempo and Sentou Ryu Aiki Heiho.
Michele has operated Goshin Dragon karate for the past 10 years, specializing in martial arts for kids. Michele's goal is to provide quality martial arts to children of all demographics and socio-economics. Additionally, Michele is a Registered Nurse.
810 Monroe Street Berwick, Pennsylvania 18603
(570) 204-9299
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