Paul Zavislak Sensei began his martial arts journey at the age of 14 in Zen Budo Kai Karate under the instruction of Steve Newman Sensei in Kingston PA.
Eventually Mr. Zavislak gravitated to the aiki arts in 1990 and began his martial education in aikido and Japanese Swordsmanship under the instruction of Carl Long Hanshi of Sakura Budokan of Kingston PA and under Long Sensei’s tutelage for over 20 years, he operated the Seishinkan Dojo at the Berwick YMCA in 2000.
In 2000, Mr. Zavislak began intensive Shugyo training in the arts of aikijujutsu and jujutsu, seeking to better understand the nuances of both arts. Zavislak Sensei maintains a training relationship and friendship with Salahuddin Mohammed Sensei of Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu, Daniel Blanchet Hanshi of Asahi Dojo International Association, and Tony Annesi Hanshi of Bushido-Kai Martial Arts, valuing their methodology and counsel.
Zavislak Hanshi serves as the President/CEO and Chief Instructor for the International Ryukyukai Martial Arts Association, directing budo activities for association dojos in the USA, Europe and Australia.
He also sits on the Dai Nippon Seibukan Renmei USA Board of Directors as Vice President. Mr. Zavislak began training with George Parulski Hanshi in various koryu and budo arts, in an effort to become a more well rounded martial artist.
Additionally, Mr. Zavislak has also joined Daito Ryu Renshinkan Hombu dojo, located in Gumma Prefecture- Japan. Zavislak Hanshi fully supports the mission of the Renshinkan, which is to fully codify and understand, all the various branches of Daito Ryu aikijujutsu. He is training directly under the supervision of Michio Takase Sensei of Hombu dojo
In 2016, Zavislak was inducted into the prestigious Philadelphia Historic Martial Arts Society. As of 2018, Eleven of his students were inducted into this elite association, in recognition of their martial arts excellence.
Having an extensive military and police background and certified by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center as a defensive measures instructor, police tactics instructor, firearms instructor, and general law enforcement instructor, Zavislak has also served as an academy instructor for basic federal agents. He holds over 30 instructor certifications in firearms, police tactics, and other law enforcement disciplines. Through his experience in Taiho jutsu, Zavislak has trained various local, state and federal law enforcement officers in these methods. This allows the officers to better perform their duties, while reducing the risk to both the officer and subject.
Sensei has trained and has been exposed to various martial disciplines to include Silat, Military Combatives, Modern MMA techniques, various knife and weapons systems.
Mr. Zavislak currently holds senior level ranking in the following arts-
9th Dan Seibukan Aikijujutsu
8th Dan Seibukan Nihon Ryu Jujutsu
8th Dan Seibukan Nihon Taiho jujtsu
7th Dan Seibukan Aikido
7th Dan Seibukan Kenjutsu
4th Dan Seibukan Iaijutsu
4th Dan Seibukan Jojutsu
7th Dan Daito Ryu Jujutsu- Matsuda Den Shobukai
5th Dan Hakko Ryu Okuyama Den Jujutsu (Matsuda Den Shidokai)
Daito Ryu Shoden Mokuroku- Matsuda Den Shobukai
Daito Ryu Jujutsu Hiden mokuroku Soden scroll
Daito Ryu Aiki No Jujutsu Hiden Mokuroku
Daito Ryu Jujutsu Ougi no koto
Daito Ryu Jujutsu Tokumyo no Te
Menkyo Shihan in Sentou Ryu Aiki Heiho
Hanshi - Dai Nippon Seibukan Renmei
Shihan- Daito Ryu Shobukai
Shihan- Daito Ryu Shidokai
Kancho - Sentou Ryu Aiki Heiho
Zavislak Sensei holds as a core belief the continued education of the martial artist and frequently attends workshops and seminars in various martial arts systems and frequently cross trains with other instructors of differing styles.
Zavislak Hanshi is active in community affairs and charity work. He frequently hosts low cost women's self defense and empowerment seminars across the greater New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania area.
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