Robert Lederach began training in martial arts in 1969 with the study of Tae Kwon Do school in Souderton, Pa.
In June of 1988 Started training with Master Ed Hartzell (Kosho Kenpo Ryu/Shin Ju Ryu Kenpo Jujutsu). On 11/1993 he received Shodan (1st. Degree) rank Kosho Kenpo Ryu from Master Ed Hartzell. Lederach Sensei operated in partnership, Valley Martial Arts Centers of America martial arts school in Bethlehem, PA. with Master Kurt Fretz.
In 1999 he was introduced to Master Jeff Driscoll of Pottsville, Pa. A Kosho Kenpo Ryu under Hanshi Bruce Juchnik of California. Lederach Sensei attended seminars and private lessons with Master Driscoll to aid his curriculum, as material followed the teachings of the late James Mitose. In 2000 he was introduced to Hanshi Bruce Juchnik of California and also began training with him after joining the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai International which followed the teachings of the late James Mitose. Lederach Sensei still maintains contact with both Master Driscoll and Hanshi Bruce Juchnik as of the present.
In 2013 he became a member of International Ryukyukai Martial Arts Association and currently serves as a Board Member for Technical Proficiency and Standards for the organization. Lederach Sensei received in 2016 his 7th Dan Sentou Ryu Aiki Heiho. Lederach Kyoshi holds Menkyo Okuden in Sentou Ryu Aiki Heiho.
On 3/2016 he was informed by Grand Master Ed Hartzell that he was handing over both of his systems and awarded Soke-Dai of both the Hartzell- ha Kosho Kenpo Ryu and Shin Ju Ryu Kenpo jujutsu systems. He received 7th Dan (Shichidan) rank Kosho Kenpo Ryu and Shin Ju Ryu Kenpo Jujutsu from Soke Ed Hartzell.
As of 10/2017, Lederach Sensei was named Vice President of the International Ryukyukai Martial Arts Association.
As of 2020, Lederach Sensei was awarded 8th Dan Aikijujutsu, 5th Dan Taihojutsu and the title of Hanshi by the All Japan Seibukan Renmei
Lederach Sensei specializes in the integration of martial arts techniques from various systems. In particular, he examines the principles of movement from Kosho kempo in relation to the principles of aikijujutsu.
6.25.2016 Inducted into the Pocono Hall of Fame Union. Nominated by Master Hartzell.
7.9.2016 Inducted into the Philadelphia Historical Society Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
3.12.2017 Awarded the title of Kyoshi.
5.5.2020 Awarded the title of Hanshi.
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